Sunday, March 6, 2011

So Night Float Begins

Okay.  I’m super sorry for missing the past two days.  Doc had the weekend off so I stayed up with him watching movies and eating popcorn.  I felt bad about missing my blog posts… but felt great spending time with my man. 
Although I was kicking myself in the morning when I still had a sink full of dishes that were also neglected during the movie marathon. 
But, that’s okay.  I’ve gotten the kitchen cleaned up now, and some fun memories with my hubby.
Why memories?  Because I’m not going to be seeing much of him in the next few weeks. 
Doc started his “night float” tonight.  Which means he is going to start leaving for work at 4:30pm and get home around 8:00am, just enough time to hug the kids before they run out the door to school, and he’ll wake up around 3:45, hug the kids when they get home at 4:00 from school, and then leave again at 4:30.  I hate night float.  I don’t see much of him for 5 weeks.  That stinks. 
But in an effort to find the good in the start of this wretched shift I’ve made a list of things that I can do while Doc is at work.
-Stretch out and sleep on his side of the bed.
- Wear those flannel footie pajamas around the house without listening to the laughing.
- Take a long bubble bath (once the kids are tucked in bed)
- Write in my blog and catch up some of the other blogs I follow.
- Do my (neglected) dishes
- Finish writing my song (I’m submitting it to a church contest, but it’s due by the end of March… thank heavens for my sister in law (and e-mail) who is helping me finalize it).
- Write a “honey-Do” list for Doc when he gets home.  J
- Enjoy the toilet seat always being down in the middle of the night!
-Watch chick flicks and girly TV. shows at night.
- Dream of my sweet hubby.

That’s about the end of it… just can’t think of much else I can do without my man.  So… I’ll soak up the moments of quiet, and abide my time until I get my man back.
In the mean time I don’t expect I’ll me neglecting my blog again… I certainly shouldn’t have a decent excuse … at least for a while.

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