Friday, January 7, 2011

Little Miracles

I’m deeply grateful for little miracles, for they often turn out to be the biggest miracles of all.

One of my Sis-in-laws, Emily was married about 5 years ago to John, a soldier in the Army.  Shortly after they were married, he was deployed to Iraq for 15 months.  They were apart for their first anniversary.  While he was away Emily came and spent just over a month with me in Virginia.  It was nice getting to know her even better.  The one thing that she kept talking about was how excited she was to start a family as soon as John got home.

And that was their plan.  As soon as John got home, they started trying for a baby.

I will never forget that phone call I got when I heard that they were pregnant… the whole family was so excited. 

Just 2 weeks later she miscarried.

They moved to Arizona, and kept on trying.

They miscarried again.

I don’t want to go too far into the heartbreaking effects of miscarriage, because this blog’s purpose is to uplift and find good… and there just isn’t anything uplifting about a miscarriage.  They are devastating.

That made it all the more special when several months ago we got word that Emily was once again pregnant, and in her third month.  We all prayed. 
Today Emily and John were blessed with their little miracle. 
Leah Nichole.

Emily ended up having a c-section, which she really didn’t want to have, but it all went well and both Mother and baby are doing wonderfully. 

I’ve learned that even when the Lord blesses us with the desires of our hearts… it still isn’t always smooth sailing, but, the end result is always beautiful.  You just have to weather the storm, and keep an eye on the destination that you are heading for, and when you get there, you will rejoice and appreciate it so much more because of the trials you overcame to get there. 

Congratulations Mommy Emily.  My heart is dancing with yours as you hold your sweet baby tonight.

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